There are some more patterns designed to give you a more clearance about patterns. these are patterns designed inside the rectangular shape like one of the below example is in diamond shape inside rectangular shaped stars.
Patterns are just easy way to describe the flow of code in friendly terms. There are some patterns designed and the output of these designed pattern is in right angled triangle. There are some variations in each pattern which will be very helpfully for u all to learn and understand the flow of program
<?php /* Pattern * ** *** **** ***** */ echo " For Loop <br>"; for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++){ for ($j=1; $j <= $i; $j++) { echo "  *"; } echo "</br>"; } echo " While loop <br>"; $i=1; while ($i <= 5) { $j=1; while ( $j<= $i) { $j++; echo "  *"; } $i++; echo " </br>"; } echo " Do While <br>"; $i=1; do{ $j=1; do{ echo "  *"; $j++; }while($j<=$i); $i++; echo " <br>"; }while($i<=5); ?>
<?php /* Pattern ***** **** *** ** * */ //For loop echo " For Loop </br>"; for($i=1; $i<=5; $i++){ for($j=$i; $j<=5; $j++){ echo "  *"; } echo "</br>"; } echo " Do While </br>"; //do While $i=1; do{ $j=$i; do{ echo "   *"; $j++; }while ($j <= 5); $i++; echo "</br>"; }while($i <= 5); //while echo " While Loop </br>"; $i=1; while ($i <= 5) { $j=$i; while ( $j<= 5) { $j++; echo "  *"; } $i++; echo " </br>"; } ?>
<?php /* * ** *** **** ***** */ //For Loop for ($i=5; $i >=1; $i--) { //Row //echo "i $i "; for($j=4; $j>5-$i; $j--) { //Blank //echo " j $j"; echo "  "; } for($j=5; $j>=$i;$j--){ //Star //echo " j$j i$j "; echo "*"; } echo " <br> "; } echo " While Loop <br>"; $i = 5; while ($i >=1){ $j=4; while($j>5-$i){ echo "  "; $j--; } $j=5; while ($j>=$i) { echo "*"; $j--; } echo " </br> "; $i--; } echo " Do While <br>"; $i=5; do{ $j=4; //row do{ echo "  "; $j--; }while($j>5-$i); //star $j=5; do{ echo "*"; $j--; }while($j>=$i); $i--; echo " </br> "; }while ($i >= 1); ?>
<?php /* ***** **** *** ** * */ //For loop echo " For Loop <br>"; for ($i=0; $i < 5; $i++) { //Row //echo "i $i "; for($j=0; $j<$i; $j++) { //Blank //echo " j $j"; echo "  "; } for($j=0; $j<5-$i;$j++){ //Star //echo " j$j i$j ".$j; echo "*"; } echo " <br> "; } //While Loop echo " While Loop <br>"; $i=0; while( $i<5 ){ $j=0; while( $j < $i ){ echo "  "; $j++; } $j=0; while ( $j<5-$i) { echo "*"; $j++; } $i++; echo " <br> "; } //Do while Loop echo " Do While Loop <br>"; $i=0; do{ $j=0; do{ echo "  "; $j++; }while($j< $i); $j=0; do{ echo "*"; $j++; }while($j<5-$i); $i++; echo " <br> "; }while($i<5); ?>
<?php /* Pattern 0 X X 1 X X 2 X X 3 X X 4 X */ echo " For loop <br>"; $k=7; for($i=0;$i<5;$i++){ for ($j=0; $j < $i ; $j++) { echo "  "; } echo "X"; for ($j=0; $j < $k;$j++) { echo "  "; } if($k>0) echo "X"; $k=$k-2; echo "</br>"; } echo " while Loop<br>"; $k=7; $i=0; while($i<5){ $j=0; while ($j< $i) { echo "  "; $j++; } echo "X"; $j=0; while($j<$k){ echo "  "; $j++; } if($k>0) echo "X"; $k -=2; $i++; echo "<br>"; } echo " Do while <br>"; $k=7; $i=0; do{ $j=0; do{ echo "  "; $j++; }while($j < $i); echo "X"; $j=0; do{ echo "  "; $j++; }while($j<$k); if($k>0) echo "X"; $k-=2; $i++; echo "<br>"; }while($i<5); ?>
<?php /* xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx xx x x xx xx xxx xxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx 01 xxxxxxxxxxx 02 xxxxx1xxxxx 03 xxxx123xxxx 04 xxx12345xxx 05 xx1234567xx 06 x123456789x 07 xx1234567xx 08 xxx12345xxx 09 xxxx123xxxx 10 xxxxx1xxxxx 11 xxxxxxxxxxx 01234567891 */ echo "<h3> For Loop </h3>"; for($j=1;$j<=11;$j++){ echo "x"; } $s=1; $z=5; echo "<br>"; for($i=1;$i<=5;$i++){ for($j=$z;$j>0;$j--){ echo "x"; } for($k=1;$k<=$s;$k++){ echo "  "; } $s+=2; for($l=$z;$l>0;$l--){ echo "x"; } $z--; echo "<br>"; } $m=7; for($i=1;$i<=4;$i++){ for($j=0;$j<=$i;$j++){ echo "x"; } for($k=1;$k<=$m;$k++){ echo "  "; } for($j=0;$j<=$i;$j++){ echo "x"; } $m-=2; echo "<br>"; } for($j=1;$j<=11;$j++){ echo "x"; } echo "<h3>While Loop </h3>"; $j=1; while($j<=11){ echo "x"; $j++; } echo"<br>"; $s=1; $z=5; $i=1; while($i<=5){ $j=$z; while($j>0){ echo "x"; $j--; } $k=1; while($k<=$s){ echo "  "; $k++; } $s+=2; $l=$z; while($l>0){ echo "x"; $l--; } $z--; $i++; echo "<br>"; } $m=7; $i=1; while($i<=4){ $j=0; while($j<=$i){ echo "x"; $j++; } $k=1; while($k<=$m){ echo "  "; $k++; } $j=0; while($j<=$i){ echo "x"; $j++; } $m-=2; $i++; echo "<br>"; } $j=1; while($j<=11){ echo "x"; $j++; } echo "<h3>Do While</h3>"; $j=1; do{ echo "x"; $j++; }while($j<=11); $s=1; $z=5; echo "</br>"; $i=1; do{ $j=$z; do{ echo "x"; $j--; }while($j>0); $k=1; do{ echo "  "; $k++; }while($k<=$s); $s+=2; $l=$z; do{ echo "x"; $l--; }while($l>0); $z--; $i++; echo "<br>"; }while($i<=5); $m=7; $i=1; do{ $j=0; do{ echo "x"; $j++; }while($j<=$i); $k=1; do{ echo"  "; $k++; }while($k<=$m); $j=0; do{ echo "x"; $j++; }while($j<=$i); $i++; $m-=2; echo "<br>"; }while($i<=4); $i=1; do{ echo "x"; $i++; }while($i<=11); ?>
<?php /* x xxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xxx x 12345x 1234xxx 123xxxxx 12xxxxxxx 1xxxxxxxxx 12xxxxxxx 123xxxxx 1234xxx 12345x */ echo "<h3>For Loop</h3>"; $r=5; $c=0; for ($i=0; $i < 5; $i++){ for($j=$r;$j>0;$j--){ echo"  "; } for($k=0;$k<=$c;$k++){ echo "x"; } echo "<br>"; $r--; $c+=2; } $c=7; for ($i=0; $i < 5; $i++){ echo " "; for($k=0;$k <= $i;$k++){ echo "   "; } for($j=$c;$j>0;$j--){ echo"x"; } echo "<br>"; $c-=2; } echo "<h3>While loop</h3>"; $r=5; $c=0; $i=0; while ($i<5) { $j = $r; while($j > 0){ echo "  "; $j--; } $k=0; while($k<=$c){ echo "x"; $k++; } echo "<br>"; $r--; $c+=2; $i++; } $c=7; $i=0; while($i<5){ echo "  "; $k=0; while ($k<= $i) { echo "  "; $k++; } $j=$c; while($j>0){ echo "x"; $j--; } echo "<br>"; $c-=2; $i++; } ?>
<?php /* xxxxx xxxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx */ //For echo "<h3> For Loop </h3>"; for($i=0;$i<=4;$i++){ for($j=0;$j<=$i;$j++){ echo "  "; } for($k=$i;$k<5;$k++){ echo "x"; } echo "<br>"; }//one loop for($i=4;$i>=1;$i--){ for($j=$i;$j>0;$j--){ echo "  "; } for($k=$i;$k<=5;$k++){ echo "x"; } echo "<br>"; }//second loop echo " <h3>While Loop </h3>"; $i=0; while ($i<=4) { $j=0; while ($j <= $i) { echo "  "; $j++; } $k=$i; while ($k<5) { echo "x"; $k++; } echo "<br>"; $i++; }//one loop $i=4; while ($i>=1) { $j=$i; while ($j > 0) { echo "  "; $j--; } $k=$i; while ($k<=5) { echo "x"; $k++; } echo "<br>"; $i--; }//one loop ?>
<?php /* Pattern xxxxxxxxxx 9 xxxxxxxx 8 xxxxxx 7 xxxx 6 xx 5 xxxx 4 xxxxxx 3 xxxxxxxx 2 xxxxxxxxxx 1 1234567890 */ echo "<h3>For Loop</h3>"; for($i=0;$i<=4;$i++){ for($j=0;$j<=$i;$j++){ echo "    "; } for($n=$i;$n<5;$n++){ echo "xx"; } echo "<br>"; } for($i=4;$i>=1;$i--){ for($j=$i;$j>0;$j--){ echo "    "; } for($n=$i;$n<=5;$n++){ echo "xx"; } echo "<br>"; } echo "<h3>While Loop </h3>"; $i=0; while($i<=4){ $j=0; while($j<=$i){ echo "    "; $j++; } $n=$i; while($n<5){ echo "xx"; $n++; } echo "<br>"; $i++; } $i=4; while($i>=1){ $j=$i; while($j>0){ echo "    "; $j--; } $n=$i; while($n<=5){ echo "xx"; $n++; } $i--; echo "<br>"; } ?>
<?php /* Pattern xxxxx xxxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx */ echo "<h3>For Loop</h3>"; for($i=0;$i<=4;$i++){ for($j=0;$j<=$i;$j++){ echo "  "; } for($k=$i;$k<5;$k++){ echo "x"; } echo "<br>"; } for($i=0;$i<=4;$i++){ for($j=4;$j>=0;$j--){ echo "  "; } for($k=$i;$k<5;$k++){ echo "x"; } echo "<br>"; } echo "<h3>While Loop</h3>"; $i=0; while($j<=4){ $j=0; while($j<=$i){ echo "  "; $j++; } $k=$i; while($k<5){ echo "x"; $k++; } echo"<br>"; $i++; } $i=0; while($i<=4){ $j=4; while ($j>=0) { echo "  "; $j--; } $k=$i; while($k<5){ echo "x"; $k++; } echo "<br>"; $i++; } ?>
Comment Below If Pattern Code Want to Ask
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Can you provied pyramid pattern program ?
I want it.
very nice
very nice website