Calculation Operators with Forms with Drop-down by Selecting Operators Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modules by Enter two numbers & selecting operators then result generated. see Demo Link
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Two Numbers Calculation using Operators Using Forms</title> </head> <body> <?php $value1 = ""; $value2 = ""; $res = ""; if (isset($_POST["result"])) { $value1 = $_POST['val_1']; $value2 = $_POST['val_2']; $operator = $_POST["operator"]; if (is_numeric($value1) && is_numeric($value2)) { /* 1 : + Addition 2 : - Subtraction 3 : * Multiplication 4 : / Division 5 : % Modules */ switch ($operator) { case '1' : $add = ($value1 + $value2); $res = "<h3>The Addition of $value1 and $value2 is $add </h3>"; break; case '2' : $sub = ($value1 < $value2) ? $res = "Not $value1 is Less Than $value2 " : ($value1 - $value2); $res = "<h3>The Subtraction of $value1 - $value2 is $sub </h3>"; break; case '3' : $mul = ($value1 != 0 && $value2 != 0) ? ($value1 * $value2) : 'Not Multiply with 0'; $res = "<h3>The Multiply of $value1 * $value2 is $mul </h3>"; break; case '4' : $div = ($value1 != 0 && $value2 != 0) ? ($value1 / $value2) : 'Not Division with 0'; $res = "<h3>The Division of $value1 / $value2 is $div </h3>"; break; case '5' : $mol = ($value1 != 0 && $value2 != 0) ? ($value1 % $value2) : 'Not Modules with 0'; $res = "<h3>The Modules of $value1 and $value2 is $mol </h3>"; break; default : $res = "<h3>Select Operator </h3>"; break; } } else { $res = "<h3>The Value is not in Numbers </h3>"; } } ?> <h2>Two Numbers Calculation using Operators Using Forms</h2> <form method="POST"> <p> Enter First Value <input type="text" name="val_1" value="<?php echo "$value1"; ?>" /> </p> <p>Enter Second Value <input type="text" name="val_2" value="<?php echo "$value2"; ?>"/> </p> <p> <select name="operator"> <option> Select Operator </option> <option value="1"> + Addition </option> <option value="2"> - Subtraction </option> <option value="3"> * Multiplication </option> <option value="4"> / Division </option> <option value="5"> % Modules </option> </select> </p> <input type="submit" name="result" value="Result"> </form> <?php echo $res; ?> </body> </html>
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