Basics of PHP

  1. What is Php ?
  2. Getting Starting Php
  3. Hello World
  4. Echo & Print
  5. Variables in Php
  6. Operators and Its Types in Php
  7. DataTypes in Php
  8. Concept of Loops in Php
  9. Types of Array In Php
  10. Control Structures in Php

Php Functions

  1. Functions
  2. Sorting Array Techniques in Php

List of PHP Programs

  1. Addition of Numbers using Forms
  2. Half Pyramid
  3. Table Print using Loops
  4. Greatest Number in Three Numbers in Php
  5. List of Pattern
  6. Odd Even Program In Php
  7. Vowel Checking
  8. Largest and Smallest Number in Array
  9. GST Tax Calculator Code in Php
  10. Convert Numbers to Words in Php
  11. Two Numbers Calculation Operators with Forms
  12. Table Print in PHP Using Forms
  13. Age Calculate From DOB in PHP Using Forms
  14. Password Strength Level in Php
  15. Random Password Generate in Different Method
  16. Finding Area Using Function Php
  17. Find Leap Year with Different Methods in Php
  18. Find Factorial Program With Different Methods
  19. Prime Number Program in Php
  20. Range of Odd & Even Numbers In Php
  21. Check The Integer is an Armstrong Number or Not In PHP
  22. Reverse a String Using PHP
  23. Program To Check HCF (Highest Common Factor) in Php


  1. Sorting Array Techniques in Php
  2. Bubble Sort
  3. Quick Sort
  4. Insertion Sort
  5. Selection Sort


  1. Love Calculator Program
  2. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator in PHP

Difference Between

  1. Difference Between Echo And Print
  2. Difference Between Get and Post
  3. Single Quotes And Double Quotes in PHP
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