What is HTML  ?

HTML is Hyper Text Mark Up Language. This language basically used for designing a website. It is a client side scripting language. Client Side scripting language need a browser to run the script on client machine.HTML is a case sensitive language means you can write a tag with capital or small letter. In both case it give same result.

Hypertext: It is a text which contains a link to other text.

Mark up: < > This is a mark-ups under which text write which become a tag. Example: <p> Paragraph tag, <b> Bold Tag etc.

HTML Program Structure & Tags:

Whenever you start any tag, you need to close it with slash(/).There are 2 types of tags:

  1. Which tag need to close are called container tag example :<p>,<b>,<h1> etc.
  2. Which tag no need to close are called empty tag example :<br>(break tag).


  1. <html> This is an initial and important tag without it program is not start.
  2. <head> It Contain a <title> tag and another <link> & <script> tag which give an information about HTML Page.
  3. <title> This tag specifies a title for the HTML page which is shown in the browser title bar.
  4. <body> This tag is a container for all the visible contents, like heading, paragraph, images, hyperlink, table, list, etc.
  5. <p> Paragraph Tag
  6. <b> & <strong> Bold tag
  7. <u> Underline tag
  8. <font> font tag: It occupy a three attributes like-color,size, face(Writing Style like fonts in MS-Words).
  9. <br> Break tag
  10. <center> Center tag help to put the content in center.
  11. <i> Italic tag

In Font Size you can maximum provide a size 7 , Default size is 3, you can also give a minimum size 1.

Follow the way of writing a program that following have used because <head>,<body> tags are child of <html> tag so they arrange under <html> and <title> tag are child of <head> tag and grandchild of <html> tag so arrange under <head> tag.


<font size="7" face="Arial" color="red">
Computer System
<font size="4" face="Times New Roman " color="green">
<p align="justify">A computer is a machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming. Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to perform an tasks.&lt;br&gt;A "complete" computer including the hardware, the operating system(main software), and peripheral equipment required and used for "full" operation can be referred to as a computer system.</p>
</font> </p> </body> </html> </a>


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One thought on “HTML Basics Tags

  • 31/08/2020 at 5:36 pm

    Thank you for giving good information


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