Text Properties: In which Properties are applied in the text. There are multiple text properties available here:

  1. Color: It set a color of the text.Example:
    1. a color name – “red”
    2. a HEX value – “#ff0000”
    3. an RGB value – “rgb(255,0,0)”
  2. Text-align: It specify about a horizontal alignment of the text. A text can be aligned left, Right, center, justify etc.
    • Justify: In which text cover whole width from left and right side.
  3. Text-decoration: It is used to set or remove decoration from text. In which there are lot of values are available of this property like: Over-line, underline, line-through, none.
    • None: It is used in the anchor tag to remove an underline of the text.
  4. Text-transform: It is used to specify an uppercase, lowercase letter in a text. Its properties values are: Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize.
  5. Text-Indentation: It  is used to specify the indentation of the first line of a text.
  6. Letter-spacing: It is used to specify the space between the characters in a text.
  7. Line-Height: It is used to specify a space between lines.
  8. Word-Spacing: It is used to specify a space between the words in a text.
  9. Font-style: It specify a font-style for a text. It has a values like: Italic, normal, oblique.
  10. Font-variant: It specify whether or not a text should be displayed in a small-caps font or in a normal font. Its properties values are: Normal, small-caps.
    • Normal: It display normal font.
    • Small-caps: It display small-caps font.
  11. Font-weight: It specify font-weight. It specify a thick or thin characters in text.Its property values are: Normal, bold, bolder, lighter, number.
    • Normal: It define normal character.
    • Bold: It define thick character.
    • Bolder: It define thicker character.
    • Lighter: It define lighter character.
    • Number: In which define a character from thin to thick.400 is same as normal, 700 is same as bold.
  12. Font-family: It specify font-family like: Arial, Times New Roman etc.

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