Margin: Margin is an outer space. It is used to create a space around an elements outside any element. You have all control on the margin with CSS. There are some property for setting the margin(Top, Right, Bottom, left).
- One value like: (margin: 40px) – It means all four side margins will be 50px. All side like Top, Right, Bottom, left occupy 50px margin.
- Two values like: (margin: 50px 10px) –First value 50px cover the top and bottom margin, second value 10x cover left and right margin.
- Three values like (margin: 50px 10px 20px)-First value 50px cover the top margin, second value 10x cover left and right margin, Third value 20px cover bottom margin.
- Four values like: (margin: 50px 10px 20px 30px) – First value 50px cover the top margin, second value 10x cover right margin, Third value 20px cover bottom margin, forth margin 30px cover left margins.
Property Values:
- % –User can give the margin value in percentage also.
- Length-Here define the margin in length units.
- Auto- In which all four side margin will be equal. When user put the margin:auto then content will automatically come in the center of the container.
- Margin:0 auto- It means margin from top and bottom will be 0px and margin from left and Right is auto means will be in the center.
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