Write a Program to find element in a array using Linear Search.
In Linear Search one by one Compare Each Element with the Searching Element when the Element is found loop is break we get index|position of the element.
- Make an Array
- Set Found Flag as -1.
- Loop Start
- Compare Each Element with Search Element.
- If Element is Match with Search Element.
- Set Found Flag as Index of Element Search.
- Break Loop.
- End Loop
- If Found Flag > -1
- Element is Found
- Else
- Element is Not Found
//Linear Search #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void display_array(int array[],int length){ for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ cout<<array[i]; (i==length-1)? cout<<".":cout<<","; } } int find_number(int array[],int length,int search_number){ int found=-1; for(int i=0;i<length;i++){ if(array[i]==search_number){ found=i; break; } } return found; } void main(){ clrscr(); int array[10]={12,34,21,39,65,48,36,11,58,23}; int number,found; cout<<"\n Linear Search"; cout<<"\n -------------"; cout<<"\n Elements in a Array "; display_array(array,10); cout<<"\n Enter Number to be Search : "; cin>>number; found = find_number(array,10,number); if(found>-1){ cout<<"\n Number Found at index of "<<found; }else{ cout<<"\n "<<number<<" is not Found in Array "; } getch(); }
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