# include <graphics.h> # include <conio.h> # include <iostream.h> # include <dos.h> void get_driver() { clrscr(); //clear screen int gDriver=DETECT,gMode; initgraph(&gDriver,&gMode,"C:\\TC\\BGI"); } void main() { get_driver(); //initialize graphics float dx,dy,x1,y1,x2,y2,m; // define variables to float which mean ( example : 11.19) values used. dx=dy=x1=y1=x2=y2=m=0; //set variables to zero cout<<"Enter value x1 "; cin>>x1; cout<<"Enter value y2 "; cin>>y2; cout<<"Enter value x2 "; cin>>x2; cout<<"Enter value y2 "; cin>>y2; cleardevice(); //clear Screen for graphics setbkcolor(15); //set background white while(x1<=x2 && y1<=y2)//Start Loop { dx=x2-x1; dy=y2-y1; m=dy/dx; delay(50); putpixel(x1,y1,RED); //print dot if(m<=1) { x1++; y1=y1+m; } //end if else { y1++; x1=x1+(1/m); } //end else } //end loop getch(); } //end main

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