JAVA Lab Practical B.TECH CSE 5SEM

  1. WAP to print “Hello World” in Java.
  2. WAP illustrates Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Java.
  3. WAP to Find Average of Four Subject.
  4. WAP to Find Whether Number is Even or Odd.
  5. WAP to Find Whether Number is Prime or Not.
  6. WAP to Find Largest of three Number.
  7. WAP to Print Fibonacci series.
  8. WAP to illustrating of Nested if Statement.
  9. WAP to Print Following Pattern.
  10. WAP to Print Following Pattern.
  11. WAP to take input to the user using Scanner Classes.
  12. WAP to take input to the user using Console Classes.
  13. Write a program using constructor and destructor.
  14. Write a program to count number of objects created of a class.
  15. Write a program of creating of classes and use of different functions.

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One thought on “JAVA Practical

  • 15/08/2018 at 11:09 pm

    I spent a lot of time to find something like this


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