JAVA Lab Practical B.TECH CSE 5SEM
- WAP to print “Hello World” in Java.
- WAP illustrates Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division in Java.
- WAP to Find Average of Four Subject.
- WAP to Find Whether Number is Even or Odd.
- WAP to Find Whether Number is Prime or Not.
- WAP to Find Largest of three Number.
- WAP to Print Fibonacci series.
- WAP to illustrating of Nested if Statement.
- WAP to Print Following Pattern.
- WAP to Print Following Pattern.
- WAP to take input to the user using Scanner Classes.
- WAP to take input to the user using Console Classes.
- Write a program using constructor and destructor.
- Write a program to count number of objects created of a class.
- Write a program of creating of classes and use of different functions.
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I spent a lot of time to find something like this