Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab Manual BTCS508

  1. To find HCF and LCM of two numbers
  2. Code and analyses to find median element in an array of integers.
  3. Code and analyse to find majority element in an array of integers.
  4. Code and analyse to sort an array of integers using merge sort
  5. Code and analyse to sort an array of integers using quick sort
  6. To implement maximum and minimum problem using divide and conquer strategy
  7. To implement binary search using divide and conquer strategy
  8. To implement program of Heap Sort.
  9. WAP of minimum spanning tree using Kruskal algorithm.
  10. WAP of minimum spanning tree using Prim’s algorithm.
  11. WAP to implement matrix chain multiplication
  12. Code to find the shortest path in graph using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
  13. Code to find the shortest path using Bellman-Ford algorithm.
  14. To implement LCS problem using Dynamic Programming.
  15. To implement matrix chain multiplication problem using dynamic programming.
  16. Code and analyze to find the minimum spanning tree in a weighted, undirected graph.
  17. Code and analyze to find all occurrences of a pattern P in a given string S.
  18. Code and analyze to do a depth-first search (DFS) on an undirected graph. Implementing an application of DFS such as
    (i) to find the topological sort of a directed acyclic graph.
    (ii) to find a path from source to goal in a maze.
  19. Code and analyze to do a breadth-first search (BFS) on an undirected graph. Implementing an application of BFS such as
    (i) to find connected components of an undirected graph.
    (ii) to check whether a given graph is bipartite.

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One thought on “Design & Analysis of Algorithms Lab Practical

  • 19/08/2018 at 8:35 am

    Thanks, it is very informative


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