UNIX Operating system
UNIX is one of the most popular operating system worldwide because of its large support base and distribution. Kem Thompson and Dennis Ritchie of AT and T Bell labs developed UNIX Operating system based on the multics Reaserch Project in 1969.
It is composed of :
- Kernel
- Shell
- Utilities and Application
1.Kernel:It is the Heart of the UNIX Operating system.It is the large program that is loaded into memory when machine is turned on.
2.Shell: A Shell is a command line interpretor.It take command and execute them.
Popular Shell are:
- Bourne Shell
- C-Shell
- Korn Shell
3.Utilities and Application: Unix Operating system support a variety of tasks like copying files, calculating,editing etc.
- Multiuser
- Multitasking
- Portability
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