What is Tower of Hanoi ?
Tower of Hanoi consists of three pegs or towers with n disks placed one over the other.
The objective of the puzzle or Problem is to move the stack to another peg following these simple rules.
- Only one disk can be moved at a time.
- No disk can be placed on top of the smaller disk.
Write a Program to solve Tower of Hanoi Problem.
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> //Function void tower(int disc,char left,char centre,char right){ if(disc==1){ cout<<"\nMove Disc 1 from "<<left<<" to "<<right; return; }else{ tower(disc-1,left,right,centre); cout<<"\nMove Disc "<<disc<<" from "<<left<<" to "<<right; tower(disc-1,centre,left,right); } } void main(){ //Clear Screen clrscr(); //Variables int n; cout<<"\n----Tower of Hanoi----"; cout<<"\nEnter number of discs : "; cin>>n; // Disc,left,Centre,Right tower(n,'A','B','C'); getch(); }
Program Output:
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