What is RGB and CMYK ?

The RGB is refers to the primary Colours of light (Red, Green and Blue), which basically used in any digital device like computer screen , TV Screen , Mobile and Tablet.

The CMYK refers to the primary colours of pigment (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black), the natural Colours produced light While we Painting or Print on paper with the combination of CMYK inks.

Difference Between RGB And CMYK in Tabular Form

1.Full FormRGB Stands for Red, Green, and Blue.CMYK Stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key or Black.
2.Numbers of Colours Used34
3.Colour Bit Range8 bits Each from 0 to 2558 bits Each from 0 to 255
4.Possibility Colours255*255*255=16581375255*255*255*255=4228250625
5.Where It UseLCD and CRT computer monitors and TV screensPrinted materials are produced using the CMYK colour model or digital printing
6.ModelAdditive ModelSubtractive Model
7.LightTransmitted LightReflected light
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