Difference Between (POP) Procedure Oriented Programming And (OPP) Object Oriented Programming Languages In Tabular Form.
Procedure oriented | Object oriented |
The procedure oriented programming emphasis on procedures and functions. | The object oriented programming emphasis on real world problems. |
Procedure oriented view the problem as set of instructions that are executed one by one. | Object oriented view the problems as set of modules that executed in the order as specified by the user. |
Procedure oriented emphasis on what to do. | Object oriented emphasis on how to do. |
Procedure oriented follows top down approach. | Object oriented follows bottom up approach. |
In procedure oriented ,data is not hidden. Data is free. | In object oriented ,data is hidden that makes it a secure programming language. |
In procedure oriented ,new data and functions cannot be easily added whenever required. | In object oriented , new data and functions are easily added whenever required. |
For example: c language. | For example: c++ language. |
Program:#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main(){ int a,b,c; cout<<”enter values:”; cin>>a>>b; c=a+b; cout<<c; getch(); } | #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class sum{ private; int a,b,c; public; void input(){ cout<<”enter value:”; cin>>a>>b; } void output(){ c=a+b; cout<<c; } }; void main(){ sum s; s.input; s.output; getch(); } |
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