Difference Between Poly crystalline, Mono crystalline and Thin-film Solar Panels in Tabular Form

A Solar made of array of solar cells and a solar cell is made numbers of photo voltaic cell. A photo voltaic cell is Silicon crystals are laminated into n-type and p-type layers, stacked on top of each other. Sun Light striking the crystals induces the “photo voltaic effect,” which generates electricity. It generated DC Powered By Which We Convert into Commercial Use.

Different Types of Solar Panel

  1. Mono-crystalline
  2. Poly-crystalline
  3. Thin-film
Sno.Basic TermsPoly-crystallineMono-crystallineThin-film
1.DefinitionPoly crystalline solar cells are also known as poly-silicon and multi-silicon cells.Mono crystalline solar cells are also known as single crystalline cells.They are also known as thin-film photo-voltaic cells (TFPV).
2.ManufacturedThe process used to make poly-crystalline silicon is simpler and cost less.Mono-crystalline solar panels live the longest. by Mono-crystalline silicon or single-crystal silicon the solar panel manufacturers makes more efficient.Depositing one or several thin layers of photo-voltaic material onto a substrate is the basic gist of how thin-film solar cells are manufactured.
3.CostCheapCostlySo Cheap or Lower Cost
4.Efficiency Limits(%)13-16%15-21%7-13%
5.Space-efficientRequire higher installation space areaSmaller installation space areaSmall Size Area
6.Life-Span in Years25-3030-40 years20 years
7.Chemical ElementPoly-crystalline siliconMono-crystalline silicon or
single-crystal silicon
cadmium telluride (CdTe),
copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS),
& amorphous thin-film silicon (a-Si, TF-Si).
8.PerformanceRequired Properly Heat+LightWorks in also Low Light + Heatperforms very well at weak light or on cloudy and rainy days
9.ColourBlue ColourDark Black ColourDark Black Colour
11.Used or UsageUsed in both residential and commercial installations.Used in large scale solar applications, such as commercial (Hotel,Schools,factory,Office) and residential solar installations.

Basically use in buildings where roof tops are less in used.

Small size Application like calculator, Power Banks, Bag packs or Any Portable device


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