Difference Between Mealy Machine And Moore Machine in Tabular Form

S No.Basic TermsMealy MachineMoore Machine
1.Year1955 paper1956 paper
2.Named ByGeorge H. MealyEdward F. Moore
3.Paper Name“A Method for Synthesizing Sequential Circuits”“Gedanken-experiments on Sequential Machines.”
5.DefinitionA mealy machine is defined as a machine in theory of computation whose output values are determined by both its current state and current inputs. In this machine atmost one transition is possible.A moore machine is defined as a machine in theory of computation whose output values are determined only by its current state.
6.Output DependsOutput depends on present state as well as present input.Output depends only upon present state.
7.Input DependsIf input changes, output also changes.If input changes, output does not change.
8.States RequiredLessMore
9.ClockAsynchronous output generation though the state changes synchronous to the clockBoth output and state change synchronous to the clock edge
10.DesignDifficult to DesignEasy to Design
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