Difference Between Mealy Machine And Moore Machine in Tabular Form
S No. | Basic Terms | Mealy Machine | Moore Machine |
1. | Year | 1955 paper | 1956 paper |
2. | Named By | George H. Mealy | Edward F. Moore |
3. | Paper Name | “A Method for Synthesizing Sequential Circuits” | “Gedanken-experiments on Sequential Machines.” |
4. | 6-Tuple | (S,So,∑,⋀,T,G) | (S,So,∑,⋀,T,G) |
5. | Definition | A mealy machine is defined as a machine in theory of computation whose output values are determined by both its current state and current inputs. In this machine atmost one transition is possible. | A moore machine is defined as a machine in theory of computation whose output values are determined only by its current state. |
6. | Output Depends | Output depends on present state as well as present input. | Output depends only upon present state. |
7. | Input Depends | If input changes, output also changes. | If input changes, output does not change. |
8. | States Required | Less | More |
9. | Clock | Asynchronous output generation though the state changes synchronous to the clock | Both output and state change synchronous to the clock edge |
10. | Design | Difficult to Design | Easy to Design |
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