Difference Between Half Adder And Full Adder in Tabular Form
S.No. | Basic Terms | Half Adder | Full Adder |
1. | Circuit | ||
2. | Working | A combinational logic circuit that performs the addition of two data bits, A and B, is called a half-adder. Addition will result in two output bits; one of which is the sum bit, S, and the other is the carry bit, C. | The half-adder does not take the carry bit from its previous stage into account. This carry bit from its previous stage is called carry-in bit. A combinational logic circuit that adds two data bits, A and B, and a carry-in bit, C , is called a full-adder. |
3. | Inputs | 2 | 3 |
4. | Output | 2 | 2 |
5. | Carry | Carry not Used | Previews Carry is Used |
6. | No. Of Components | 1 : Xor 1 : And | 2 : Xor 2 : And 1: Or |
7. | Boolean Expression | S = A ⊕ B C = A.B | Sum =A ⊕ B ⊕ C Carry = A.B + (A ⊕ B).C |
8. | Applications | Calculators, computers, digital measuring devices etc. | Multiple bit addition, digital processors etc. |
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Your full adder diagram is wrong. C doesn’t end with an XOR but with an OR.
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Boolean expression of full adder is wrong
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