Why We Need a Strong Password?
Basically a Password is encryption of normal pain Text Like ” HelloImPassword ” But in Site database it is can’t leaves as plain text, it convert into a Encrypted text ” hsfjassadaasdaefvhkfuvmzxmbahbfuef ” that is Difficult to understand what is pain text its takes time but it finds. that why the reason we need a strong password that is not easily find real plain text.
Seven Tips To Secure and Strong Password
- Password Length is More than 10 Words : Main Reason is strong password is Longer passwords that are harder to crack.
- Mixed Words : Another way is used alpha Numeric words
a: Characters in Lower abcdefgh & Upper ABCDEFGH
b: Numbers 1234567890
c: Special words !@#$%^&*()_+=- - Apply Two-Step or two-factor Protection on account : Many of the services that we use today on social media, banks, Google mail, and so on offer an additional layer of protection. By Sending SMS to yours phone which is valid for 5-10 min, or you can Google Authenticator which is more better.
- Different Passwords : use always on different site or in Social media
- Always log out Account When you not Need : it only takes a moment for someone to steal or change the password.
- Keyboard Pattern Text : Make Keyboard Pattern Text In V,W Shape Text : in V ” rfvgy” in W ” wsxdcft”
- Words Number : This Method is mixed with numbers with text Like num pad shift to qwert area like
First Line 123456789-= of keyboard use 789
Second Line qwertyuiop use uio as 456
Third Line asdfghjkl use jkl as 123
Forth Line zxcvbnm use m as 0 if my Phone number is +910123456789 : So My Password is : 9jmjkluio789
Things that avoids to breaks Password
- Avoid Dictionary Words : Reason of Breaking Password is use Dictionary words These cracks rely on software that automatically plugs common words into password fields.
- Trust on browser : Don’t Save Password in Browsers its store in Local Cache or Cookies
- Don’t Simple passwords: Don’t use personal information such as your name, age, birth date, child’s name, pet’s name, or Phone Number etc.
- Always Check your password strength : Password Strength Analyser is telling how much strong yours Password how much time taken to break password.
- Unsecured WiFi connections : Don’t use Open WiFi or unsecured WiFi, Any hackers can view your passwords and other data over this unsecured connection.
- Don’t tell anyone your password : Keep your passwords safe by keeping them to yourself. Your trusted friend now might not be your friend in the future.
- Remember your Password : As Make Strong Password we use after very time Ago and when we need we forget that password so Make Strong that also Remembers you.
- Avoiding Seeing HTTPS Connection : That most of Stealing Password is by phishing page and every users is avoid that. the Phishing site connection is HTTP not HTTPS , The HTTPS is Secure Connection ( its only allow by verification of Site) when you enter a login & Password check the Site Connection First.
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7 Tips To Make Strong Password ?