Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails(RoR)is becoming one of the popular Web application frameworks. It is quite natural for developers to compare Ruby on Rails with other languages. Since the programming language used to write Rails is Ruby, the comparison is between Ruby and other programming languages, such as Perl, Python and Java. Let’s look at general differences between Ruby and other languages.The comparison given below gives you a clear insight of their advantages and disadvantages in Web application development:

Ruby versus PHP:

  • A PHP code executes faster than a RoR code. However, a Ruby on Rails application has fewer lines of coding as compared to the same application written in PHP.
  • Ruby on Rails applications need a UNIX-based server while the majority of the Web hosting companies support PHP applications.
  • Testing code of Ruby on Rails application is simple. In PHP, testing modules and coding is a bit difficult.
  • RoR application has a clear code structure than PHP, which makes collaboration easier.
  • Comprehensive range of frameworks such as Zend, Codeigniter, and CakePHP support PHP. In the same way, wide range of framework such as Vintage, Sinatra and Rails support Ruby.
  • PHP requires less memory space than Ruby. Therefore, PHP applications generally run faster than Ruby on Rails applications.

Ruby versus Perl:

  • Ruby is more object-oriented than Perl.
  • Perl supports more Unicode properties, full case mapping and Grapheme. Ruby is less supportive, and its encoding of strings is more explicit.
  • Ruby has more third-party set of libraries than Perl.
  • Perl supports multiple variable types while Ruby has only one variable-type reference to an object.
  • Since Ruby is the programming language used to write Rails, the comparison is between Ruby and other programming languages such as Perl, Python and Java.
  • Perl supports auto conversion of data types while Ruby requires the programmer to convert types in explicit manner.

Ruby versus Java:

  • Java and Ruby follow the same object-oriented principles.
  • The biggest advantage of Ruby over Java is that you can accomplish task by writing fewer lines of coding. This helps in bug fixing and increases speed of development.
  • Ruby code can be interpreted and does not need compilation. However, Java code needs to be compiled before interpretation.
  • Ruby offers flexibility and readability while Java offers better application performance.
  • Java follows a strict C syntax in coding while Ruby allows the programmer to omit a few codes.
  • Java code execution is faster than Ruby. The reason is that the Java code is converted into machine language, and the Java Virtual machine executes the code faster.
  • Java is a well-known technology, and you can easily find experts to guide you. Ruby is comparatively new and availability of suitable support for an open-source technology takes some time.
  • Ruby does not have type declarations, and you can assign a name to variable as needed. In Java, every member variable belongs to some class. Therefore, a programmer is required to declare the type of variable and its name before using it in a code.
  • Java and Ruby can be used together, and they complement each other. JRuby is an implementation of Ruby programming language over Java Virtual Machine.
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Ruby on Rails Vs. Other Languages
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